Apologies that I haven't posted in a while. An old friend took seriously ill last week so my mind has been elsewhere. They are now on the road to recovery thank goodness! Times like this certainly make you take stock of the more important things in life.
Anyway, back to Ellie!
Les is away on his course in London. He has only been away 2 days, but Ellie has sussed there is a void and is trying to assert herself by being naughtier than she would be when he is here (or maybe I tend to notice less when Les is here as he is always on hand to help out).
She is a brilliant dog, but her chewing/mouthing is tiring! She is teething badly, and incessant in her desire to chew both cushions and hands! I am really looking forward to the time when the teething ends.
In every other way she is beautiful and so loving!
She is kind of a star in her own right too. I was at a shop a good few miles away from where I live the other day, and a cashier said to me "you have a new dog don't you" (she had passed me in her car when I was walking Ellie). Now, I honestly think, if Ellie wasn't a 'Spotty Diva' the woman would probably have never even noticed me walking with my dog ♥
Here is a picture of her totally zonked after one of her walks:
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