It has been an exceptionally mild winter here in the UK. I have enjoyed some lovely walks with Ellie. I am doing the lions share of excersising her as the days are so short. Here are a couple of my favorite photos from the last few weeks.
Wonderful winter sunshine, and you could see for miles at the top of the hill which is very near where we live.
Ellie is now 2 years old and has really matured over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, she has had another false pregnancy after her heat. I do feel for her. This has really forced the issue of spaying. I think we are going to go through with it before her next heat. I don't want her to go through this twice a year.
She continues to astound us with her personality! She is such a funny girl. She HAS to be near you (if not actually touching you) at all times. She is such a smooshie thing.

I'm sure she thinks she's human! But, to be fair, we do tend to treat her as one of the kids so I can't blame her! If she's not sitting near you (or ON you for that matter) this is her favorite place
We are so looking forward to the spring and summer when we can get away camping with her. She loves being outdoors.
So, that's about it for 2013. Ellie has made it a fun year for us all. See you in 2014 :)
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