Well, early May Bank Holiday Monday dawned, and it meant just one thing : meeting up with all of our friends and their doggies at Bolam Lake.
It was quite a nice day (now, when I say that I actually mean that it was slightly above 13°C and it didn't rain!).
We all met up at lunchtime. There was about 60 adults and children and 7 dogs. We all took picnics and barbecues.
The dogs were a young Staffy pup called Lenni, a year old Rottweiler mix called Lucy, a 10 week old Standard poodle called Biscuit, a 4 year old Lab called Violet, a 4 year old Jack Russell and a 2 year old Cairn Terrier......oh and Ellie obviously! Such a mix of ages and breeds.
Now, WHO do you think was the worst behaved? The 10 week old Poodle? NO! Lenni the Staffy pup? NO! The year old Rottweiler surely? NO!!!
Yes, you've got it, it was Ellie! She barked, jumped, whined, wanted to play with everything in sight......and she topped off this impeccable behaviour by stealing someone's freshly cooked sausages!
The other dogs were SO well behaved. Ellie, on the other hand just wouldn't settle down, Les had to walk her round most of the day. She eventually settled down after most of the barbecues had gone and she got off lead.
It was quite a nice day (now, when I say that I actually mean that it was slightly above 13°C and it didn't rain!).
We all met up at lunchtime. There was about 60 adults and children and 7 dogs. We all took picnics and barbecues.
The dogs were a young Staffy pup called Lenni, a year old Rottweiler mix called Lucy, a 10 week old Standard poodle called Biscuit, a 4 year old Lab called Violet, a 4 year old Jack Russell and a 2 year old Cairn Terrier......oh and Ellie obviously! Such a mix of ages and breeds.
Now, WHO do you think was the worst behaved? The 10 week old Poodle? NO! Lenni the Staffy pup? NO! The year old Rottweiler surely? NO!!!
Yes, you've got it, it was Ellie! She barked, jumped, whined, wanted to play with everything in sight......and she topped off this impeccable behaviour by stealing someone's freshly cooked sausages!
The other dogs were SO well behaved. Ellie, on the other hand just wouldn't settle down, Les had to walk her round most of the day. She eventually settled down after most of the barbecues had gone and she got off lead.
She was just so excited to meet everyone! All in all it was a very funny day though. I have realised that with Ellie you just have to take things in your stride, and, most importantly, just laugh! We didn't get many pictures of her on the actual day (we were slightly distracted at the time lol).
Here are a few that my son has taken this past week or so.
We are still taking her to the Kelso Bike Fest in early July and camping for 2 nights.She has never slept in a tent before, so I am a bit anxious as to how she will take to it. But, she has to get used to it as we will be camping regularly with her. I will be giving her some 'calming drops' for the journey and probably a few times during the trip! (and maybe just a couple of drops for myself
She makes us laugh so much, and she gets more precious every day! This is her watching TV totally chilled:
Here are a few that my son has taken this past week or so.
We are still taking her to the Kelso Bike Fest in early July and camping for 2 nights.She has never slept in a tent before, so I am a bit anxious as to how she will take to it. But, she has to get used to it as we will be camping regularly with her. I will be giving her some 'calming drops' for the journey and probably a few times during the trip! (and maybe just a couple of drops for myself
She makes us laugh so much, and she gets more precious every day! This is her watching TV totally chilled:
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