I apologise for neglecting my blog of late, but have been ill with the flu for 2 weeks. On the mend now though.
Now, if I was ever ill in the past when we had Pepper it wasn't much of a worry. She was a laid back girl and would happily wait until late evening for her walk (after the Hubby finished work). With Ellie it is a whole different ball game (go figure
). Fortunately my hubby has a job which enables him to work from home from time to time. So when I was at my worst he worked from home and looked after Ellie.So she got her walks (though not as long and as often).
I am (yet again) on the search for a 'no pull' lead/collar option. It doesn't matter how much training we give her, she continues to pull like a train. She has grown into a powerful girl and could pull me over in a second if she spotted something. I've lost track of the amount of leads/harnesses I have tried. I think my latest purchase will be Gentle Leader. She has one similar, but the lead is too short for a comfortable walk.
Her 'humping cushions' and general naughtiness continues (she is only 16 months, I tend to forget this when I look at her as she is so big now).
Here's a couple of her waiting for her walk and playing with Les:
Speaking of Les (the hubby), me and the kids have decided that he is wholly responsible for her bad behaviours! He feeds her tit bits (we don't), loves her 'Dally hugs' (we try to stop her jumping up), oh, and I came downstairs the other day (Les having slept on the sofa) to this:
She has him wrapped round her little paw 
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